Wednesday, January 28, 2009

NASA astronauts to drink their own urine today?

Yes this is true! NASA is currently experimenting with the idea...they are planning on testing the process on several upcoming flights...the astronaughts, at this time, however will not be drinking their own waste....they just want to check to see if the process will work in outer space. There is no reason to believe it won't and so they will eventually get to the point when that is the norm. It is very difficult to keep astronaughts hydrated in space and this is a way of making that alot easier. Most people's stomachs turn at the idea but the astronaughts were actually quite fine with it...They want whatever is easiest and safest-after all their jobs are already hard enough as it is. I now, leave off with a quote from"The final gourmet touch is the addition of that little smidgen of iodine to control microbial growth. Which I'm assuming is something to do with little mites feeding on your waste and having babies half way down your throat."'s only slightly revolting....
this is Dan O'Brien...signing out!

Photoshoped photo...

This is the photo we had to photoshop up for the exam...

Thursday, January 15, 2009

The second final blog post of the semester....!

Well...another week week is exams and then we're done...{oh yeah!}...I meeean...won't that suck?...This week we have mostly been focusing on html's quite fun and easy to use...which is always a nice mix...I've finshed all the practices and such...I finished my slideshow this week and got to do some fun editing type stuff for the movie that was part of it...well that's about it...just prepping for exams and finishing off prjects...fingers crossed I pass all my classes!

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

To be a foley artist, or not to be a foley artist...

...that is the question...the foley artist is what may be refered to as the "sound guy" on a film set...officially he is a sound editor...after the film is shot and edited the sound editor recieves a print of the film...the sound editor adds all the sound effects...he and his partners will record sound effects after the fact...for example...if there is a kiss in the film the sound editor may be sitting in a room kissing the back of his hand...for punches...he may be smashing watermelons, ect. ect. the foley's artist main goal is to not be have the sound effects as organic and subtle as possible so that the audience accepts the sounds completely and never questions it...the foley artist gets little credit from audience members but it is one of the most important parts of a finished film...

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Video game designer urges moderation to avoid addiction

Video games are great...they are fun...they are entertainment...but don't make it your religion...don't become so devoted to it that it becomes a way of life as opposed to a pass time...I am happy that designers are speaking out and saying that the games are supposed to be fun...and they will moderation. Many, many people do become addicted and it's games should exist in a life...not give meaning to it. Have fun...and don't let it take over your life in the meantime...happy gaming!

Tuesday, November 18, 2008


This is the movie Melanie and I made using windows movie maker...and more importanly...a camera.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

The Week is Over...the week is over!

Well the school week is anyway...cause tomorrow is a P.D day...{under breath} Huzzah!...This week was mostly spent learning about animation...and I really find the whole process's amazing how these inanimate things can appear alive and moving up on the screen...So we learned a lot about that and then really the only other thing I did was make the Godfather part 4 poster.